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Hey boss! Wanted to let you know that the Mac download of this game runs SMOOTH! The window does open a bit small, but that's simple to fix.

I'm having a lot of trouble with a level I was wondering if I could get any advice on how to clear this level.

In the starting room, one of the crates needs to stay where it is until after you can unlock the door. It’s the final crate you will use in the puzzle.

Does that help?

Yes it did, thank you. btw great game.

Looking for opinions on this: Would you prefer to have player movement follow the grid instead of being free? I feel like it would make it harder to accidentally walk into pits or push crates you didn’t want to move.

(2 edits)

I think it following the grid would be better yea, maybe you could just remove the possibility of falling into the pits. (You already have the R restart if we get stuck, also I think you could make the R button works twice as fast lol).

Also I feel like the pushes are sooo slow. I think it would be nicer if you could push faster? (Though in the later levels I understood why the character doesnt just move while it pushes).

Could display the numbers of level left too.

Is this power creep...?

I'm not a fan of those levels with lot of superfluous stuff. Like this one too with the extra boxes and extra destroyable tiles 

Nice little game otherwise!

I definitely agree about the crate push speed, I’ve just pushed an update that makes it a lot faster.

Ha ha :) a short but interesting sokoban. Next step, a threesome with the maid? ;)