I think the premise of the game seems pretty good, one thing I don't like is the vore and graphics from what I'm seeing, I'll give this game a shot and give my review later.
my thoughts: the game is actually pretty meh, I started playing and so far, only options I got is to have my goblins fuck each other, build beds, build barrels, and overall, not that good.
This game does have potential though, I can see that, it just needs some moderately better graphics, better gameplay with more options and commands, and some enemies on the island, that'd be interesting to see. Let's also not forget apparel, nakee gobs are fine, but it gets boring, I'd rather get an option to make some clothes for them so they all have their own style of wear.
I don't think you should play this game yet, but do support this guy, this game could be a very good one if it gets updated
It would be great to be able to focus the camera on a goblin from the gobdex list. When I've got 100 goblins it's not possible to find any specific goblin
I assume you’re playing through your browser? It seems to be a problem with Godot’s built-in tooltips on the web player, they work correctly on the Windows build. I might move that whole sidebar to the left side of the screen to get around the issue.
To summarize the options:
The “batches” option divides the goblins up so that they can’t all recalculate their pathfinding and other complicated job-selection behaviors on the same frame. Higher batch count = better performance. Going too high can potentially cause pathfinding issues.
“Max population” is pretty straightforward, although it doesn’t know how big a goblin’s pregnancy is going to be before giving her permission to get pregnant, so for example you could have a goblin get pregnant with triplets when you’re already 1 away from the limit.
“Safe sex” prevents goblins from having sex if there’s a chance of pregnancy, unless at least one of the goblins participating is marked with “encourage breeding”.
“Shoving” makes goblins push each other away if they’re piled on top of each other. Turn it off if you’re having framerate issues, as the collision detection has some overhead.
OK now they have just decided they like flesh more than fruit I guess, they have evolved to have as many offspring per litter as possible and the food barrels are filling up... Nobody is dying to anything but vore or old age...
one thing i would like to comment on the idea of "groups" of goblins to try and make selective breeds. so like one group with high digestion and lactation rate while the others are high labido breeders
Not sure if it's a skill issue but since the update (downloaded version) my goblins have been dying of starvation before they can do anything of notice
I guess I have to make them cut down trees that have fruit as soon as possible? It doesn't seem like they can pick fruit off of trees and have been waiting for it to fall? Haven't confirmed this
They can’t pick fruit, that’s correct. Gotta wait for it to fall or chop down trees.
Keep in mind that digestion efficiency is a trait that can be evolved over time though, so having your less efficient goblins die of starvation can strengthen the hive in the long run.
I can try doing a mac export using the default preset in Godot, but I don’t have any apple devices to test it on, and I don’t have an apple developer ID to digitally sign the app with.
Ok, I've tried the update, it's been a good while trying all the features, and I must ask; the "safe sex" toggle makes it so ONLY the ones with "encourage breeding" are allowed to breed? because it happens that from time to time, a goblin WITHOUT the encourage breeding (will abreviate to EC from now on) toggle breeds one with EC toggled on, if it's intended, then it's fine on that side, it just threw me off when messing around with low stranded crewfolk a single goblin with EC toggled on would still breed with others.
I've tried multiplee side games with few goblins with submissive genes, it's still kind of a nightmare breeding for submissive genes, and even when I rolled for a good sub run (1 REALLY submissive, 2 very submissive, and 1 neutral, figure the odds later), I spent 3~ hours trying to get the vore to happen. My only suggestion would be that goblins with EC toggled on have a higher chance to get pregnant goblins with EC on, and goblins that have EC toggled off have a slightly lower change to impregnate goblins with EC on, and probably a speed up toggle (I know that would mess with some stuff and probably be buggy, don't take the last one with much importance).
btw, I don't mind if you didn't made the vore animation because it's not your cup of tea, but it is intended?
I've finally made a good vore run, and got a good look at goblins with "massive storage capacity" gene, I've literally looked over for a solid 2-3 minutes and got vore to happen, the thing is, it lacks an animation, since lactation, birth, eating, dig and chopping and so on have animations, it got me concerned that my instance is buggy, the version is buggy, or, you didn't made an animation for it, whatever the case, I would be pleased to hear about it!
on another matter, I think the pathing and collision on this match made for some messed up things to happen.
when i got 3 goblins with 2 of them beign really submissive, I got them to work and tested the new pathing on them, like the closest goblin not beign the one that gets to work and such, the thing here is, in low populations, you can get to see some oddities when the task are kind of far away from each other, and each task beign in map opposites, (as far as I tested, all the maps I've tried have a size around 8 in width and 5 in height), so, let's pretend a goblin is in a central part of the map, I click to chop for a tree, and make a bed almost on the bottom of the map, the goblin, suddenly stops; ok, it's weird, but that's not all. The aniamtion for wood chopping, appears in the tree (the goblin is still not moving), then, the goblin eats with the aniamtion beign where the tree was jsut chopped, (the berry that the tree dropped gets eaten), then, the wood disappears, then, the gonlin walks to the bottom of the tunnel, (1-2 tile), and then, the bed gets built, the goblin then dies.
the goblin was pregnant, maybe she didn't manage the strain of walking the distance? I have no idea, but it butchered my runs with low amount of starting goblins, and decided to restart because of some pregnant goblin strained herself in telephatic work or something.
and for last, while I understand that pregnant goblins must feed more and as such, have a bad stamina management, I think other goblins should allow for pregnant goblins to take food instead of them, I almost lost the good sub run because pregnant goblins would strain themselves working and not managing to eat enough food because other goblins would eat before them, maybe goblins that are pregnant should have lower priority when a task is made and goblins that aren't pregnant have a higher priority when a task is made?
that would be all for this update in my opinion.
I think that there should be a starting toggle for "higher chance for submissive goblins" because MAAAAAAAAAAAN I resetted A LOT. It would discourage a lot of people that figure out that the best odds for vore scenes is a bigger starting pool of submissive goblins.
encourage breeding and safe sex: yes, that’s the intended behavior. at least one person in the pair has to have encourage breeding enabled. They do try to pair up with another “encourage breeding” if possible, but it’s hard to force since one might find the other ugly or something.
i would suggest not trying to go for submission genes right away, try waiting until you have a few dozen goblins, then turn on “safe sex” and encourage breeding for your most submissive goblins. after a few generations i find i can pretty reliably get goblins who are submissive enough.
I did intend to do art for the vore but I put it off and then got sick for a week, and i didn’t want to delay the update. Might get to it in the future, but I’m not sure how much more energy I have for this project. I also wanted to do big bellies for pregnancy and vore, but I gotta figure out how to handle the drawing order of large bellies, large penises, and large breasts so that they don’t overlap oddly. it was hard enough with just breasts and penises.
as for the animation and navigation issues you’re describing, i don’t think i’ve seen that happening on my machine. it’s possible that there’s some concurrency bug happening with the navmesh recalculations, although i thought i sorted all those issues. usually if a goblin is stopped in place it’s because they’ve decided to have sex (or vore or drink milk) and they’re waiting for their partner to be ready. you can see what their current job is in the goblindex. What batch setting were you using? Something could be going weird if it’s too big.
it was batch 2, and it happened in low starting goblins (at least it was way more obvious that way, I'm not sure if it happened on bigger populations, it happened at least thrice, and, as I said, it happened when I tasked 2 duties on opposites of the map, and the goblin that was choosen to do it was in a tunnel between the two points. I think I should point out that the goblin didn't had any delay, all the animations, happened one after another, probably it was a very unlucky proc of an obscure bug, who knows!
On the submission genes right away, that's how I got it to work the quickest, I just pulled off the vore without rolling for sub genes, so that makes it almost 6 hours, anyways, even if you choose to not continue it, I'm very glad of testing this game! I liked it and got a good impression on it!
Update on the difficulty everyone has been having breeding for the submissiveness gene: I just noticed that I accidentally left it off the list of genes that were candidates for mutation. That means it’s impossible for goblins with no existing copies of the gene to spontaneously generate it (although it still should still be possible for goblins who already have it to generate extra copies).
OK, the only agency regarding selection is the ability to encourage select ones to mate, right, but it seems so weak! The ones that aren't encouraged mate with seemingly the same frequency, so I can't even successfullly select for one trait.
The breeding-encouragement rules basically mean “when you’re picking someone to have sex with, choose someone who isn’t pregnant already”. You can’t ban goblins from breeding or anything, that felt like it was leaning a bit too far toward eugenics.
There’s a lot of UI improvements coming in the next couple weeks, I’ll see about adding an option to automatically enable breeding encouragement for goblins with certain stats.
Bro we are witnessing the entire lives of these naked futa goblins with mechanics centered around genetic traits tied to sexual characteristics and behavior and being an unseen dictator over the development of their colony, I don't say this lightly but eugenics is not the worst thing we are doing here if you're gonna start projecting real-world morality onto video game logic
It's pretty hard to select for traits that you want, especially when the population goes up. Also, even if every square of grass has a tree on it, and most of them have fruit, there are goblins dying of starvation lol
Ok, the game is lovely, it delivers and it's easy to pick up, the only thing I must point out is the fact that the vore is really hard to make it happen, cherry picking genes in big populations are a no go, and even when I had made stranded crewfolk get to 2 out of 5 goblins beign "incredibly submissive" and another 2 beign "pretty submissive" (you can figure out the odds later and think how many resets I've done in this game), the population can get some unlucky rolls and somehow get quintuplets to all dominants, screwing some progress, It doesn't help that, even if I manage to get a big population of submissive goblings a very few tops, the subs would get eaten, thus, reducing their pop count and starting to stirr the balance to the other side, not beign able to make more vore happen later, really. making goblins eat eachother is hard to happen, and when it happened, you can miss it bacause who knows where it's happening, making it frustrating to set up in the first place, the only thing I would add if anything else is hard to make it happen (like a cheat UI or something) is, at least, a starting option of very submissive crew with higher odds of passing submissive genes.
At the very least I do have a big set of UI improvements coming after the judging period, but I am not sure how long I will keep working on it after that.
I think that the "domminant" variant is to common and sub does not appear enough, also how the hereditary traits works? take priority the impregnator?, the impregnated? or is mixed/random between both parents?
It’s a simplified and stylized model based on real genetics, where each goblin has a genome made of pairs of genes. Each parent contributes one gene from each pair, chosen at random, to their child. If the parents don’t have the same genome lengths, the child gets “Null Genes” in the leftover slots.
After the genes are contributed, the child goes through random mutations. For each gene pair, there’s a 1% chance it will be duplicated or deleted. For each individual gene, there’s a 1% chance it will become a different type of gene at random.
Each type of gene adds a bonus to a particular stat.
Regarding dominance/submission, dominance is the default, and you have to breed for the submissive gene. However, it’s very hard to breed for because of natural evolutionary pressure. A submissive goblin gets topped a lot by other goblins, so she’s always sexually satisfied, and so she’s never in the mood to go impregnate other goblins. Not an efficient reproductive strategy.
The next version of the game (in two weeks, after the jam ratings are over) will mitigate this by making it so goblins you mark with “encourage breeding” will refuse to be topped if they’re already pregnant.
Digging tunnels seems to be broken. In the beginning the starting goblin digs one tile then thinks that's enough, stops and never wants to do more. The gobbo's don't seem to be motivated to dig, no matter what, so no progress. Love to have a speedup button as well.
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I think the premise of the game seems pretty good, one thing I don't like is the vore and graphics from what I'm seeing, I'll give this game a shot and give my review later.
my thoughts: the game is actually pretty meh, I started playing and so far, only options I got is to have my goblins fuck each other, build beds, build barrels, and overall, not that good.
This game does have potential though, I can see that, it just needs some moderately better graphics, better gameplay with more options and commands, and some enemies on the island, that'd be interesting to see. Let's also not forget apparel, nakee gobs are fine, but it gets boring, I'd rather get an option to make some clothes for them so they all have their own style of wear.
I don't think you should play this game yet, but do support this guy, this game could be a very good one if it gets updated
i hope this game comes back
does anyone have screen shots of max sizes? or know what the descriptions for the max stats are?
will it be updated?
Please update the game i really liked it
3 things:
1. I would really like to be able to see who is pregnant and who is not
2. please add a pause option
3. also please add the ability to click on goblins and bring up their gobdex menu
I second these points, it would be very helpful to be able to see a goblin you want to favorite/encourage breeding and to then be able to do so.
Pause would especially be nice for reviewing the Gobdex.
And a visual change for pregnancy would be very nice, but I think original poster is probably talking about a way to search for pregnant gobs?
It would be great to be able to focus the camera on a goblin from the gobdex list. When I've got 100 goblins it's not possible to find any specific goblin
One thing you can do is mark a goblin as a favorite, then set the game to only show favorite goblin names. It makes them much easier to pick out.
I can't see what the settings on the right do, the text gets cut off by the screen. (I have two monitors)
I assume you’re playing through your browser? It seems to be a problem with Godot’s built-in tooltips on the web player, they work correctly on the Windows build. I might move that whole sidebar to the left side of the screen to get around the issue.
To summarize the options:
The “batches” option divides the goblins up so that they can’t all recalculate their pathfinding and other complicated job-selection behaviors on the same frame. Higher batch count = better performance. Going too high can potentially cause pathfinding issues.
“Max population” is pretty straightforward, although it doesn’t know how big a goblin’s pregnancy is going to be before giving her permission to get pregnant, so for example you could have a goblin get pregnant with triplets when you’re already 1 away from the limit.
“Safe sex” prevents goblins from having sex if there’s a chance of pregnancy, unless at least one of the goblins participating is marked with “encourage breeding”.
“Shoving” makes goblins push each other away if they’re piled on top of each other. Turn it off if you’re having framerate issues, as the collision detection has some overhead.
thank you!
is there anywhere else to download the game, I cant download the windows version for some reason
Finally managed to get vore to occur and watch it happen but there wasn't even a special little action-bubble depiction :/
Edit: But selecting for stomach capacity and vore seems to have fixed the food scarcity issue LMFAO everyone is either dying of old age or vore now
OK now they have just decided they like flesh more than fruit I guess, they have evolved to have as many offspring per litter as possible and the food barrels are filling up... Nobody is dying to anything but vore or old age...
one thing i would like to comment on the idea of "groups" of goblins to try and make selective breeds. so like one group with high digestion and lactation rate while the others are high labido breeders
Not sure if it's a skill issue but since the update (downloaded version) my goblins have been dying of starvation before they can do anything of notice
I guess I have to make them cut down trees that have fruit as soon as possible? It doesn't seem like they can pick fruit off of trees and have been waiting for it to fall? Haven't confirmed this
They can’t pick fruit, that’s correct. Gotta wait for it to fall or chop down trees.
Keep in mind that digestion efficiency is a trait that can be evolved over time though, so having your less efficient goblins die of starvation can strengthen the hive in the long run.
goffy goba goblins
the average queen of goblins:
AI image. Cringe
Unfortunately yes, which does not change the fact this goba goffy goblin is thick as hell
Heya! This game looks like great fun! Now that there isn't the crunch from doing a Game Jam, do you think we could get a Mac port?
I can try doing a mac export using the default preset in Godot, but I don’t have any apple devices to test it on, and I don’t have an apple developer ID to digitally sign the app with.
That'd do just fine by me! I'll be sure to let you know if it works or not, and we can take it wherever it goes from there :)
Alright, it’s up there! I don’t know anything about running software on Macs other than a general idea that they’re super locked down. Here’s an official guide I found in the Godot documentation for getting it to run: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/running_on_macos.html#doc-running-on-macos
so far so good on it running, my only complaint atm is the small window size.
Is it not adjustable? On Windows I’m able to stretch it to any size.
Ok, I've tried the update, it's been a good while trying all the features, and I must ask; the "safe sex" toggle makes it so ONLY the ones with "encourage breeding" are allowed to breed? because it happens that from time to time, a goblin WITHOUT the encourage breeding (will abreviate to EC from now on) toggle breeds one with EC toggled on, if it's intended, then it's fine on that side, it just threw me off when messing around with low stranded crewfolk a single goblin with EC toggled on would still breed with others.
I've tried multiplee side games with few goblins with submissive genes, it's still kind of a nightmare breeding for submissive genes, and even when I rolled for a good sub run (1 REALLY submissive, 2 very submissive, and 1 neutral, figure the odds later), I spent 3~ hours trying to get the vore to happen. My only suggestion would be that goblins with EC toggled on have a higher chance to get pregnant goblins with EC on, and goblins that have EC toggled off have a slightly lower change to impregnate goblins with EC on, and probably a speed up toggle (I know that would mess with some stuff and probably be buggy, don't take the last one with much importance).
btw, I don't mind if you didn't made the vore animation because it's not your cup of tea, but it is intended?
I've finally made a good vore run, and got a good look at goblins with "massive storage capacity" gene, I've literally looked over for a solid 2-3 minutes and got vore to happen, the thing is, it lacks an animation, since lactation, birth, eating, dig and chopping and so on have animations, it got me concerned that my instance is buggy, the version is buggy, or, you didn't made an animation for it, whatever the case, I would be pleased to hear about it!
on another matter, I think the pathing and collision on this match made for some messed up things to happen.
when i got 3 goblins with 2 of them beign really submissive, I got them to work and tested the new pathing on them, like the closest goblin not beign the one that gets to work and such, the thing here is, in low populations, you can get to see some oddities when the task are kind of far away from each other, and each task beign in map opposites, (as far as I tested, all the maps I've tried have a size around 8 in width and 5 in height), so, let's pretend a goblin is in a central part of the map, I click to chop for a tree, and make a bed almost on the bottom of the map, the goblin, suddenly stops; ok, it's weird, but that's not all. The aniamtion for wood chopping, appears in the tree (the goblin is still not moving), then, the goblin eats with the aniamtion beign where the tree was jsut chopped, (the berry that the tree dropped gets eaten), then, the wood disappears, then, the gonlin walks to the bottom of the tunnel, (1-2 tile), and then, the bed gets built, the goblin then dies.
the goblin was pregnant, maybe she didn't manage the strain of walking the distance? I have no idea, but it butchered my runs with low amount of starting goblins, and decided to restart because of some pregnant goblin strained herself in telephatic work or something.
and for last, while I understand that pregnant goblins must feed more and as such, have a bad stamina management, I think other goblins should allow for pregnant goblins to take food instead of them, I almost lost the good sub run because pregnant goblins would strain themselves working and not managing to eat enough food because other goblins would eat before them, maybe goblins that are pregnant should have lower priority when a task is made and goblins that aren't pregnant have a higher priority when a task is made?
that would be all for this update in my opinion.
I think that there should be a starting toggle for "higher chance for submissive goblins" because MAAAAAAAAAAAN I resetted A LOT. It would discourage a lot of people that figure out that the best odds for vore scenes is a bigger starting pool of submissive goblins.
encourage breeding and safe sex: yes, that’s the intended behavior. at least one person in the pair has to have encourage breeding enabled. They do try to pair up with another “encourage breeding” if possible, but it’s hard to force since one might find the other ugly or something.
i would suggest not trying to go for submission genes right away, try waiting until you have a few dozen goblins, then turn on “safe sex” and encourage breeding for your most submissive goblins. after a few generations i find i can pretty reliably get goblins who are submissive enough.
I did intend to do art for the vore but I put it off and then got sick for a week, and i didn’t want to delay the update. Might get to it in the future, but I’m not sure how much more energy I have for this project. I also wanted to do big bellies for pregnancy and vore, but I gotta figure out how to handle the drawing order of large bellies, large penises, and large breasts so that they don’t overlap oddly. it was hard enough with just breasts and penises.
as for the animation and navigation issues you’re describing, i don’t think i’ve seen that happening on my machine. it’s possible that there’s some concurrency bug happening with the navmesh recalculations, although i thought i sorted all those issues. usually if a goblin is stopped in place it’s because they’ve decided to have sex (or vore or drink milk) and they’re waiting for their partner to be ready. you can see what their current job is in the goblindex. What batch setting were you using? Something could be going weird if it’s too big.
it was batch 2, and it happened in low starting goblins (at least it was way more obvious that way, I'm not sure if it happened on bigger populations, it happened at least thrice, and, as I said, it happened when I tasked 2 duties on opposites of the map, and the goblin that was choosen to do it was in a tunnel between the two points. I think I should point out that the goblin didn't had any delay, all the animations, happened one after another, probably it was a very unlucky proc of an obscure bug, who knows!
On the submission genes right away, that's how I got it to work the quickest, I just pulled off the vore without rolling for sub genes, so that makes it almost 6 hours, anyways, even if you choose to not continue it, I'm very glad of testing this game! I liked it and got a good impression on it!
Do you think there will be enemies that maybe will kill the goblins and could give you stuff for killing them?
There is a lot of lag when multiple goblins die at once. A way to pause would be great.
Update on the difficulty everyone has been having breeding for the submissiveness gene: I just noticed that I accidentally left it off the list of genes that were candidates for mutation. That means it’s impossible for goblins with no existing copies of the gene to spontaneously generate it (although it still should still be possible for goblins who already have it to generate extra copies).
This bug will be fixed in the post-judging patch.
I really like this and hope you continue working on it past the jam!
OK, the only agency regarding selection is the ability to encourage select ones to mate, right, but it seems so weak! The ones that aren't encouraged mate with seemingly the same frequency, so I can't even successfullly select for one trait.
The breeding-encouragement rules basically mean “when you’re picking someone to have sex with, choose someone who isn’t pregnant already”. You can’t ban goblins from breeding or anything, that felt like it was leaning a bit too far toward eugenics.
There’s a lot of UI improvements coming in the next couple weeks, I’ll see about adding an option to automatically enable breeding encouragement for goblins with certain stats.
Bro we are witnessing the entire lives of these naked futa goblins with mechanics centered around genetic traits tied to sexual characteristics and behavior and being an unseen dictator over the development of their colony, I don't say this lightly but eugenics is not the worst thing we are doing here if you're gonna start projecting real-world morality onto video game logic
It's pretty hard to select for traits that you want, especially when the population goes up. Also, even if every square of grass has a tree on it, and most of them have fruit, there are goblins dying of starvation lol
Ok, the game is lovely, it delivers and it's easy to pick up, the only thing I must point out is the fact that the vore is really hard to make it happen, cherry picking genes in big populations are a no go, and even when I had made stranded crewfolk get to 2 out of 5 goblins beign "incredibly submissive" and another 2 beign "pretty submissive" (you can figure out the odds later and think how many resets I've done in this game), the population can get some unlucky rolls and somehow get quintuplets to all dominants, screwing some progress, It doesn't help that, even if I manage to get a big population of submissive goblings a very few tops, the subs would get eaten, thus, reducing their pop count and starting to stirr the balance to the other side, not beign able to make more vore happen later, really. making goblins eat eachother is hard to happen, and when it happened, you can miss it bacause who knows where it's happening, making it frustrating to set up in the first place, the only thing I would add if anything else is hard to make it happen (like a cheat UI or something) is, at least, a starting option of very submissive crew with higher odds of passing submissive genes.
This is great! Looking forward to further development!
Is there a plan for post-jam updates? I very much enjoy this game and would like to see it go further
At the very least I do have a big set of UI improvements coming after the judging period, but I am not sure how long I will keep working on it after that.
I think that the "domminant" variant is to common and sub does not appear enough, also how the hereditary traits works? take priority the impregnator?, the impregnated? or is mixed/random between both parents?
It’s a simplified and stylized model based on real genetics, where each goblin has a genome made of pairs of genes. Each parent contributes one gene from each pair, chosen at random, to their child. If the parents don’t have the same genome lengths, the child gets “Null Genes” in the leftover slots.
After the genes are contributed, the child goes through random mutations. For each gene pair, there’s a 1% chance it will be duplicated or deleted. For each individual gene, there’s a 1% chance it will become a different type of gene at random.
Each type of gene adds a bonus to a particular stat.
Regarding dominance/submission, dominance is the default, and you have to breed for the submissive gene. However, it’s very hard to breed for because of natural evolutionary pressure. A submissive goblin gets topped a lot by other goblins, so she’s always sexually satisfied, and so she’s never in the mood to go impregnate other goblins. Not an efficient reproductive strategy.
The next version of the game (in two weeks, after the jam ratings are over) will mitigate this by making it so goblins you mark with “encourage breeding” will refuse to be topped if they’re already pregnant.
Digging tunnels seems to be broken. In the beginning the starting goblin digs one tile then thinks that's enough, stops and never wants to do more. The gobbo's don't seem to be motivated to dig, no matter what, so no progress. Love to have a speedup button as well.
interesting little fortress-like. could use a few more bells and whistles, but pretty good for a jam.
Just uploaded a bug fix for sprite layer ordering between a medium-sized erect penis and medium-sized breasts.
looks interesting ill try it
Just uploaded a bug fix for an issue where goblin descriptions would go blank once they had 3 or more children.